
The principal investigators in the MSEE URA have a strong history of collaboration across disciplinary and institutional boundaries. This history is evidenced by 186 joint publications and over 700 publications with collaborators at the federal labs prior to the establishment of the URA. The existing relationships will grow stronger as new members observe the sense of community and collaboration within the URA and see the positive outcomes of meaningful teamwork. Our team also has a stellar history of workforce development activity, particularly training future lab employees. Prior to joining the MSEE URA, PIs had trained 87 students and postdocs who went on to federal labs by using workforce development best practices including work-based learning experiences and educational activities that are aligned with current and future workforce needs. These commitments to collaboration and workforce development will continue with the production of new publications and presentations, funding of research at the graduate student and post-doctoral levels, and opportunities for collaboration via internships and partnerships with entities outside the URA.

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Image: A schematic diagram showing the number of joint publications between the MSEE URA institutions, as well as with all federal labs.  Also included is the number of students and postdocs who transitioned to federal agencies.