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DDD – Data-driven Materials Design

HT-MAX hypothesis: An NLP and AI-driven framework leveraging all available data sources will inform synthesis, characterization and modeling activities to accelerate materials discovery.

DDD Objectives

  • Develop novel NLP-based methods to explore, survey, and ultimately catalogue and learn from the existing literature;​
  • Integrate physical constraints into ML models and quantify uncertainties from multifidelity data; and​
  • Apply new ML/UQ methods for active learning and Bayesian optimization to drive materials discovery.

UQ and Active Learning with Physics-Informed Multi-Fidelity ML: Michael Shields and Wei Chen​

  • Novel composite ML architectures will fuse multi-fidelity data sources through Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) for prediction of material properties and descriptors with uncertainty.​
  • “Explainable” Latent Variable Gaussian Process (LVGP) models will drive UQ-aware active learning-based materials composition and process design using Bayesian Optimization (BO).​
  • LVGP, BNNs, and other ML models will integrate physics through explicit constraints and manifold learning methods.

Natural Language Processing: Emma Strubell and Tony Rollett​

  • Build on previous success with annotation of abstracts and classification​
  • Develop a large language model for extracting data from papers.