A workshop on
Impressions of Blue: Contact Prints inspired by the Victorian Era
When: May 11, 2018
About the workshop:
Participants will learn about the Cyanotype, a 19th century photographic process, and the various ways in which artists have made use of it’s dynamic blue tones ever since. Each participant will leave the workshop with an understanding of the chemical make up of the photographic prints. Along the way, participants will create their own unique cyanotype photograms on cloth. We will have the opportunity to gather natural materials to use in our creations, but individuals are encouraged to bring flowers, negatives, and any other objects with interesting qualities of form and transparency.
This process works best under direct UV light, and we will be using the sun as our light source. In the event of rain, or inclement weather, the workshop will be held on May 11th.
Lunch and all other materials will be provided.
Instructor: Kottie Gaydos, Artist, Educator, and Curator
Location: Johns Hopkins University, Homewood Campus, Malone Hall, room G33/35
Registration is free and open to JHU students. All course materials will be provided.