Jenna Frye Chosen as 2018 HEMI/MICA Artist in Residence

Jun 7, 2018 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

Please join us in welcoming the 2018 HEMI/MICA Artist in Residence, Prof. Jenna Frye!

Prof. Frye serves as the Assistant Department Chair of the First Year Experience at MICA. Her proposed project, “Playful Patterns,” aims to survey the different patterns and visual systems currently being researched in several of HEMI’s labs and finding patterning systems that lend themselves to playful interaction by way of modular tiles, blocks, or other educational objects.

Ideally, she hopes to discover a cohesive relationship between the physical form of the objects and the playful design interaction and the research findings of the team so that the experience of the play would speak to the research being conducted.

Frye is expected to collaborate with HEMI Fellows Prof. Sung Hoon Kang and Prof. June Wicks on her project.

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