
HEMI Committees
Committee Name Authority and Responsibility Membership Staff Support
Executive Committee Exercises general managerial responsibility
over the activities within the Institute,
considers major issues and makes
recommendations to the Director. The EC
will establish policies and procedures
consistent with the goals of the HEMI
mission. The EC will meet monthly.
Lori Graham-Brady
Tyrel McQueen
Tim Weihs
Jill Hanson
Sabine Stanley
Morgan Trexler
Jill Hanson
Appointments Committee Receives, reviews, and evaluates all
academic and research appointments
(consistent with the rules of the
Homewood Academic Council) and
any requests for affiliation with HEMI.
Appointments will be offered after a
majority vote in favor from the
Appointment Committee members, and
subsequent approval of the Executive
Lori Graham-Brady
Kit Bowen
Mark Foster
Somnath Ghosh
Vicky Nguyen
Tracy Marshall
Facilities Committee Oversight of HEMI-controlled facilities.
Establish policies and procedures
consistent with the goals of the HEMI
mission. Approves all major equipment
and facilities acquisitions, related
policies and procedures, allocates all
HEMI facility and capital related
resources i.e. capital funds, HEMI
equipment funds, and revenue generated
by HEMI controlled facilities). Oversight
of safety policies and procedures.
Jaafar El-Awady
Todd Hufnagel
Tim Weihs
June Wicks
Matt Shaeffer
Justin Moreno
Jill Hanson
Tracy Marshall
HyFIRE Faculty Oversight Committee Oversight of HyFire laboratory space. Todd Hufnagel
Jafaar El-Awady
Mark Foster
KT Ramesh
Ryan Hurley
Matt Shaeffer
Tracy Marshall
Computing Committee Works with Facilities Committee on
computing related infrastructure. Makes
recommendations on all matters related
to HEMI computing capabilities and needs.
Tamas Budavari
Jaafar El-Awady
Tim Weihs
Tracy Marshall
Academic Committee Oversee and provide guidance on any
issues related to the academic affairs and
endeavors of HEMI, including seminar,
short courses, boot camp, and coordinating
outreach efforts to the K-12 and
undergraduate communities.
Jamie Guest
Sung Hoon Kang
Mike Shields
Erica Schoenberger
Tracy Marshall
Seminars/Colloquia Committee Recruit and organize seminar and colloquia speakers. Tracy Marshall