HEMI Seminar: Pavana Pravbhakar
Mechanics and Manufacturing of Hybrid Materials for Durability and Damage Tolerance Damage resistance, tolerance and long-term durability of materials are...
Mechanics and Manufacturing of Hybrid Materials for Durability and Damage Tolerance Damage resistance, tolerance and long-term durability of materials are...
Dislocation Dynamics and Plasticity of FCC Metals Understanding plasticity and strength of crystalline materials in terms of the dynamics of...
In the interest of building community and collaboration in HEMI, we are initiating the HEMI Friday Colloquium series. Speakers in...
Epidermal Sensor Systems for Sensing and Therapy Epidermal sensor is a class of skin-mounted, tattoo-like circuits and sensors capable of...
Tracking Mesoscale Evolution in Light Metals: How Design and Databases Play a Critical Role Modern materials contain extraordinary levels of complexity...
The plasticity of highly oriented nano-layered Zr/Nb composites Over the years, two-phase nanolaminate thin film composites have demonstrated an unusually...
Bone: Some Mechanics and Inspiration Bone is a hierarchical composite of collagen and hydroxyapatite. The unique blend of material properties...
DAVINCI (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging) is a proposed NASA Discovery class mission to probe...
Thermodynamically Consistent Continuum Dislocation Dynamics Dislocation based modeling of plasticity is one of the central challenges at the crossover of...
In the interest of building community and collaboration in HEMI, we are initiating the HEMI Friday Colloquium series. Speakers in...