Nov 25, 2015 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis
The Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) at Johns Hopkins University invites application for a Postdoctoral Fellowship. The position involves two projects that are directed by Professor Timothy P. Weihs ( One is high-rate mechanical testing of metals that will be performed in situ within a dynamic TEM at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, as well as within conventional TEMs. The goal here is to characterize dislocation and twin generation and motion at high strain rates. The other is aging studies of Mg alloys using thermal processing, TEM analysis of precipitates, and characterization of mechanical properties. The goal of this second project is to identify processing paths for controlling precipitate distributions for subsequent high-rate mechanical testing. Ideal candidates will have experience with transmission electron microscopy of metallic materials, TEM sample fabrication, and the mechanical properties and testing of metals and alloys. This is a one year position, renewable depending on performance.
The Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute addresses the fundamental science issues associated with materials under extreme conditions. Our emphasis is on the development of the strongest possible science team through structured collaborations with other universities, national laboratories such as LLNL and ARL, and industry. Successful candidates will have a doctorate in a relevant field and strong communication skills. All applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF document to Electronic applications should include a cover letter describing the principal expertise of the applicant, a statement of research interests and experiences, a complete resume, and the names of at least three references. The University is committed to building a diverse environment; women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. The Johns Hopkins University is an EEO/AA Employer.