HEMI Fellow Mitra Taheri Named 2021 Brimacombe Medalist by TMS

Mar 22, 2021 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

Mitra Taheri, HEMI Fellow, professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and director of the Materials Characterization and Processing Facility, has been named a 2021 Brimacombe Medalist by The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS).

Taheri was named a medalist for her “pioneering contributions to in-situ microscopic and spectroscopic characterization, and her commitment to diversity in mentorship of the next generation.” Her research focuses on designing and building platforms to study materials in different, often extreme, environments including high temperatures, stress, radiation, oxidation and more. Her team also develops new ways of detecting what is being seen through the microscope faster and in more efficient ways through integrating artificial intelligence. Mitra hopes this integration will improve not only researchers’ understanding of materials processes, but how new materials can be built for the next generation of applications.

The Brimacombe Medalist Award recognizes individuals with sustained excellence and achievement in business, technology, education, public policy, or science related to materials science and engineering and with a record of continuing service to the profession.

Learn more about the Brimacombe Medalist Award here.

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