Eventually, we find the mechanical properties of our single crystal quartz. We contact the company and they sent us the paper includes all the properties. On their website they just upload Cij and Sij not others. So here is the properties:
tensile strength: 80 perpendicular-110 parallel (MPa); Bending: 90 perpendicular-135 parallel (MPa) .
Once I used the average value of 85 MPa as for \sigma_c, I saw very soon fracture in the sample and the simulation failed. But later when I increased the magnitude of till \sigma_c=300-350 Mpa, the fracture initiated at the time close to the peak of the applied force and capture the full crack propagation through the depth of the specimen.
So at this moment I conclude that either the code has some issues in calculating the correct stress matrix or the experimental data is overestimated.
1. Finalized the single crystal paper and submitted to KT. We are planning to submit the paper by Thursday.
2. Worked with REAP students. We performed 3-point bending test in the Dental School at University of Maryland to measure mechanical properties of the new composites we are making for tooth filling application.
3. Preparing myself for Innovation Engineering 3 hours lecture which is going to be held July 20.
1.) Almost done processing data
2.) Not a lot of progress was made last week other than working on the plane. I went to my cousins wedding in Seattle.
1. Training high school summer students: took the students to different labs and explained what type of research are done in each lab. We also started working on their research project which is to design new tooth filling materials.
2. Reorganizing my single crystal paper: after receiving KT’s thirst review, we decided to re structure the paper and make it shorter for Nature magazine.