HEMI Seminar: Westinghouse Electric Company

JHU - Malone G 33/35 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Reviews of the AP1000® Plant Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program and Radioactive Materials Testing at Westinghouse Electric Company Gregory A. Banyay...

2017 HEMI Seed Grant Deadline

The Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute's annual HEMI Seed Grant Program provides seed funding to advance the fundamental science associated with...

HEMI Faculty Lunch

Malone Hall 128

Lunch will be held in the HEMI Collaboration Room (Malone 128).

HEMI Seminar: Shu Yang

JHU - Malone G 33/35 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Foldable and Responsive Soft Metamaterials Shu Yang Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Materials that can expand...