2016 HEMI Seed Grant Deadline

The Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute is pleased to announce its annual HEMI Seed Grant Program is now open for applications. ...

2016 MUIP Application Deadline

The Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (CMEDE) is pleased to announce its third annual MEDE Undergraduate Internship Program.  The...

HEMI Seminar: Nanshu Lu (UT at Austin)

Malone 328 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Epidermal Sensor Systems for Sensing and Therapy Epidermal sensor is a class of skin-mounted, tattoo-like circuits and sensors capable of...

HEMI Seminar: Ahmed Ettaf Elbanna

Malone Hall, Room G 33-35 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Bone: Some Mechanics and Inspiration Bone is a hierarchical composite of collagen and hydroxyapatite. The unique blend of material properties...