Developing and Writing Technical Proposals Workshop

JHU - Malone G 33/35 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Professor KT Ramesh will be conducting a one-day workshop on “Developing and Writing Technical Proposals” focused on non-NIH agencies.  The...

HEMI Faculty Lunch

Lunch will be held in the HEMI Collaboration Room (Malone 128).

HEMI Seminar: Dennis Kochmann, Caltech

Challenges in predicting microstructure evolution in metals from the atomic to the macroscopic scale Dennis M. Kochmann Graduate Aerospace Laboratories...

Magnesium Workshop Registration Deadline

Held on April 3-4, 2017, this two-day, invitation-only workshop on Magnesium will focus on critical scientific, engineering, and processing challenges...

HEMI Faculty Lunch

Lunch will be held in the HEMI Collaboration Room (Malone 128).

HEMI Seminar: Westinghouse Electric Company

JHU - Malone G 33/35 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Reviews of the AP1000® Plant Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program and Radioactive Materials Testing at Westinghouse Electric Company Gregory A. Banyay...