HEMI AI-M Seminar: Junjie Yang, JHU
Acoustic signature and reconstruction of defect avalanches in metals Acoustic emission (AE) is a physical phenomenon where transient elastic stress...
Acoustic signature and reconstruction of defect avalanches in metals Acoustic emission (AE) is a physical phenomenon where transient elastic stress...
Laboratory equation of state measurements of the carbon envelopes of white dwarf stars Please contact Rachel Wise at rwise14@jhu.edu for connection information....
Optical Physics of Explosive Fireballs Nick Glumac Shao Lee Soo Professor of Mechanical Science & Engineering University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign...
This is a closed meeting for members of the Metals CMRG within the Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments....
Join us for a seminar with Dr. Jon Belof, Material Dynamics and Kinetics Group Leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, titled “Metastable...
This is a closed meeting for members of the Ceramics CMRG within the Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments....
Critical Conversations Anne Moore Senior Organization Effectiveness Consultant Office of Organization Development and Effectiveness Johns Hopkins University September 16,...
Bistable Architected Elastomer Beam Unit: Design & Liquid Crystal Elastomer Re-Programming Dr. David Yoo and Nathan Hertlein ATTEND IN PERSON:...
If you are interested in organizing a symposium session at Mach 2022, please send a proposal to bess@jhu.edu that includes: Title of the symposium, Name(s) of the symposium organizer(s),...
Toward Small-scale Characterization of Energetic Materials Prof. Jimmie Oxley, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island Please contact Rachel Wise for connection...