Assistant Prof. Emmy Smith from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Joins HEMI

Mar 30, 2018 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

Please join us in welcoming Prof. Emmy Smith from the Department of Earth and Planetary Science as a new HEMI Fellow!

Prof. Smith is a field geologist and sedimentologist interested in the co-evolution of life, climate, the ocean, and tectonics during the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian. Her research integrates geological mapping, regional stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, isotope geochemistry, and geochronology in field sites that include Mongolia, the southwest USA, Namibia, and South Africa to test hypotheses about mechanistic links between environmental change and evolutionary milestones. She performs field work in Mongolia, southwest USA, and Namibia. She also performs research in the Stable Isotope Lab and mineral separation facility.

She earned a BA in geology from Amherst College, A.M. and PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Harvard, as well as a postdoc with the Smithsonian.



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