Aug 27, 2018 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis
Please join us for the 2019 Mach Conference held April 3 – 5 in Annapolis, MD. Showcasing the state of the art of multiscale research in materials, we aim to emphasize advancements in the fundamental science and engineering of materials and structures in extreme environments. The conference is sponsored by the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, housed within the Johns Hopkins University.
The conference program is largely comprised of symposia that are organized around specific topics of interest, each of which contains one or more sessions. If you are interested in organizing a symposium session at Mach 2019, please send a proposal to HEMI office that includes:
- Title
- Name(s) of symposium organizer(s)
- 200 word summary
- Potential speakers (if available)
Note: this is a call for symposia topics, the call for individual abstracts will be later in the Fall!