Dr. Mark Foster Receives Funding to Develop Groundbreaking Video Imaging System

Jul 8, 2016 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

Dr. Mark Foster from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering recently received a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a video imaging system capable of recording over one trillion frames per second of isolated (non-repetitive) events. No current video recording technology in existence approaches these frame rates or video durations for the observation of isolated events.

The ultrafast single-shot imager could be a huge leap forward in understanding the dynamics of materials under extreme conditions. It will leverage the advantages of using compressed sensing to reduce the large amount of image data captured in such an extremely short amount of time. Nevertheless, researchers still face the challenge of capturing an ultra-high-bandwidth image with enough contrast under these short exposure times.

This grant was successful as a result of Dr. Foster’s 2016 HEMI seed grant. Visit the NSF website to find out more and read the award-winning abstract.

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