Apr 3, 2017 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis
Professor KT Ramesh, Director for HEMI and the Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments, and Dr. Victor Nakano, HEMI Executive Program Director, spent Friday, March 31st visiting the Maryland Delegation Congressional Offices to discuss the Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environment (MEDE) program. The U.S. Army established the MEDE program to design, develop and test improved soldier protection materials. Johns Hopkins University leads the MEDE Collaborative Research Alliance, which includes 15 university and research centers across nine states, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Together, these partners are working in close collaboration with the Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.
Professor Ramesh and Dr. Nakano visited the offices of Senator Chris Van Hollen, Congressman C.A “Dutch” Ruppersberger (2nd district), Congressman Andy Harris (1st district), and Congressman Anthony Brown (4th district). Each office recognized the importance of the MEDE program to both the nation and the state of Maryland.
Ms. Sapna Sharma (middle), a Military Legislative Assistant for Congressman Brown, poses with a soldier protection plate with Dr. Victor Nakano (left), Professor KT Ramesh (immediate right), and Ms. Kristen Reek (far right), a member of JHU Federal Affairs.