Jun 20, 2017 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis
Dr. Victor Nakano, HEMI Executive Program Director attended the Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT) roadmapping meeting on June 19-20, 2017 at the University of Michigan. Updates on LIFT strategic roadmaps, facilities, and education and workforce activities were presented. Additionally, proposed project ideas were reviewed in multiple breakout sessions.
LIFT, operated by the American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ALMMII), is a public-private partnership to develop and deploy advanced lightweight materials manufacturing technologies, and implement education and training programs to prepare the workforce. ALMMII is one of the founding institutes in the National Network for Manufacturing innovation, a federal initiative to create regional hubs to accelerate the development and adoption of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. HEMI is one of the founding research partners within ALMMII/LIFT with a focus on the ballistic and blast crosscutting theme.