Aug 2, 2017 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis
- Matt Shaeffer explains the capabilities of 3D scanning electron microscopy instrumentation.
On August 2, 2017, students and teachers from the Joint Science and Technology Institute (JSTI) visited HEMI. The group received an overview of HEMI by Victor Nakano followed by tours of the HEMI laboratory facilities led by Matt Shaeffer. Additionally, Santiago Orrego, postdoctoral fellow in the Kang Research Group provided laboratory demonstrations of their 3D design and printing research. The JSTI’s summer project is focused on 3D printing sponsored by the Army Research Laboratory. Their visit to HEMI demonstrated how a Department of Defense (DoD) laboratory collaborates with an academic university.
JSTI is a two-week, fully-funded, residential STEM research program for current high school students in the United States and DoD schools around the world. Students participate in research projects mentored by DoD research scientists and other subject matter experts. The purpose of the program is to inspire and encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, increase STEM literacy, and expose students to the importance of STEM through hands-on, relevant research. For more information on JSTI, visit