Registration Open for HEMI Short Course Led by Prof. Jean-Francois Molinari

Feb 22, 2018 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

Registration is open for Prof. Jean-Francois Molinari’s short course, Numerical Methods for Modeling Dynamic Fracture of Materials. The two-day course provides an overview of modern numerical methods for dynamic failure of brittle or quasi-brittle materials.

The first part of the course will be devoted to survey the fundamental concepts of wave dynamics and fracture mechanics. It will give the participants a common vocabulary and cover the main physics that robust numerical methods ought to reproduce.

In the second part we will review the main building blocks of the finite-element method, with an emphasis on dynamics. Explicit and implicit time integration will be covered. We will discuss two strategies to model dynamic crack propagation: the discrete approach in the form of the cohesive-element method, and a non-local smeared-crack approach, in the form of the phase-field method. These methods will be compared on benchmark problems, including dynamic fragmentation and dynamic crack branching instabilities.

Finally, the last afternoon will be dedicated to a hands-on tutorial. Participants will acquire direct experience of numerical simulations of dynamic crack propagation using the open-source HPC finite-element software Akantu, a code developed at EPFL. A webinar will be organized with scientific staff from EPFL to provide adequate support during the tutorial. Some basic knowledge in Python programming language is recommended.

The course will take place at Johns Hopkins University on April 9-10, 2018. Learn more and register here.

HEMI Short Courses are intensive, multi-day, educational courses taught by a master of his/her field. Appropriate for professionals, researchers, and graduate students from industry, government, national laboratories, and academia. We ask the leaders of the field to teach, to integrate both principles and practice, and to focus on the topics they find most exciting.

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