U.S. Army Leaders Review HEMI’s CMEDE Program

Feb 2, 2018 | No Comments | By Sarah Preis

In January 2018, the Enterprise for Multiscale Research of Materials, or EMRM, conducted its biennial Research Management Board (RMB) review at Johns Hopkins University.

The RMB review focused on scientific discoveries in the areas of protection, electronic and energetic materials. Senior executives from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Army, Army Research Laboratory, Office of Naval Research, Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation gathered to examine the EMRM, which is composed of the Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments (MEDE) and Multi-Scale Modeling of Electronic Materials (MSME) Collaborative Research Alliances (CRAs), as well as ARL’s internal energetics program. These highly collaborative partnerships between ARL and academia bring together world-class research which support essential research areas.  The MEDE and MSME CRAs are led by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Utah respectively and include a consortium of over 20 universities.

Over 80 people participated in the meeting, including principal investigators and students from consortium universities, and researchers from the Army Research Laboratory.

Research Management Board members post with Enterprise for Multiscale Research of Materials key leaders and Dean T.E. Schlesinger of the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering prior to the review.

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