Davide Curreli
Research Area 3: Focus Area 1 Coordinator
Internal (URA) Collaborators
(217) 300-1787
- University of Padua, Italy, Ph.D., Sciences, Technologies and Measures for Space, 2011
- University of Padua, Italy, M.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2007
- University of Padua, Italy, B.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2004
Academic Positions
- 2019-Present, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Nuclear Plasma and Radiological Engineering (100% FTE)
- 2019-Present, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (0% FTE)
- 2015-2019, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (0% FTE)
- 2014-present, Affiliated Professor, University of Illinois, Computational Science and Engineering
- 2013-2019, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Nuclear Plasma and Radiological Engineering (100% FTE)
Other Professional Employment
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois, USA, 2/2012 – 8/2013
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Padua, Italy, 4/2011 – 2/2012
Resident Instruction
- NPRE 522, Controlled Fusion Systems, Fall 2018
- NPRE 421, Plasma and Fusion Science, Spring 2018
- NPRE 598, Plasma Waves and Heating Technologies, Fall 2017
- NPRE 421, Plasma and Fusion Science, Spring 2017
- NPRE 498, Numerical Methods for Plasma Physics, Fall 2016
Course Development
- NPRE 522, Controlled Fusion Systems, Spring 2014 (modified course material)
- NPRE 598, Plasma Waves and Heating Technologies, Fall 2014 (new course)
- NPRE 498, Numerical Methods for Plasma Physics, Spring 2015 (new course)
Research Interests
- Transport phenomena in plasmas
- Plasma-material interactions
- Plasma modeling using fluid and kinetic models
- Plasma physics and plasma code development for industrial and nuclear application
Research Areas
- Plasma Edge and PMI Modeling
- Plasma Physics and Fusion
Selected Articles in Journals
- J. Drobny, S. Cohen, D. Curreli, P. Lubin, M. Pelizzo, M. Umanski, Damage to Relativistic Interstellar Spacecraft by ISM Impact Gas Accumulation, The Astrophysical Journal, 908, 248, (2021)
- Maria G. Pelizzo, Alain J. Corso, Giovanni Santi, René Hübner, Denis Garoli, Dominic Doyle, Philip Lubin, Alexander N. Cohen, Jacob Erlikhman, Giulio Favaro, Marco Bazzan, Jon Drobny, Davide Curreli & Maxim Umansky, Dependence of the damage in optical metal/dielectric coatings on the energy of ions in irradiation experiments for space qualification, Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 3429 (2021)
- D.S. Thompson, R. Khaziev, M.F. Henriquez, S. Keniley, E.E. Scime, D. Curreli, Three-dimensional cross-field flows at the plasma-material interface in an oblique magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, 27, 073511 (2020). [Selected as Featured Article in Physics of Plasmas]
- J. Myra, M. Elias, D. Curreli, T. Jenkins, Effect of net direct current on the properties of radio frequency sheaths: simulation and cross-code comparison, Nuclear Fusion, 61, 016030 (2020)
- P. Luo, C. Jaramillo, A.M. Wallum, Z. Liu, R. Zhao, L. Shen, Y. Zhai, J.C. Spear, D. Curreli, J.W. Lyding, M. Gruebele, W. Wang, J.P. Allain, YZ, Coherent Atomic-Scale Ripples on Metallic Glasses Patterned by Low-Energy Ion Irradiation for Large-Area Surface Structuring, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. (2020)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Drobny, J., Curreli, D., Umansky, M., Cohen, A., Taylor, S., & Lubin, P, Effect of ISM impacts on relativistic spacecraft. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, October 2019, [IAC-19_D4_4_7_x54355]
- S. Blondel, D.E. Bernholdt, J.M. Canik, M.R. Cianciosa, D. Curreli, R.P. Doerner, J. Drobny, W. Elwasif, D.L. Green, A. Lasa, D. Nishijima, P.C. Roth, G. Shaw, T. Younkin, B.D. Wirth; Prediction of gas bubble evolution under the surface of the ITER divertor with cluster dynamics, 17th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, May 21-24, 2019
- A. Lasa, S. Blondel, G. Shaw, T. Younkin, B.D. Wirth, D. Bernholdt, J.M. Canik, M.R. Cianciosa, W. Elwasif, D.L. Green, P.C. Roth, D. Curreli, J. Drobny, M. Baldwin, R.P. Doerner, D. Nishijima; Integrated, multi- physics modeling of erosion, redeposition and gas retention in the ITER divertor, 17th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, May 21-24, 2019
- J. R. Myra, D. Curreli, M.T. Elias, and T. G. Jenkins, Recent Progress in Microscale Modeling of RF Sheaths, AIP Conference Proceedings 2254, 050008, 2020 (presented at the 23rd Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas RFPPC 2019, Hefei, China on May 14-17, 2019
- D. Weisz, J. Crowhurst, H. Radousky, T. Rose, W. Siekhaus, B. Koroglu, M. Armstrong, E. Stavrou, J. Zaug, M. Azer, M. Finko, D. Curreli, Formation of metal oxide species in laser ablation plasmas, 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea, September 17-22, 2017
- S. Keniley, D. Curreli, C. DeChant, S. Shannon, Numerical Modeling of the Plasma-Liquid Interface using the Zapdos-CRANE Open-Source Package, 72nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, College Station, Texas, October 28-November 1, 2019
- S. Valaitis, D. Curreli, J. Choi, S. Klasky, M. Churchill, C.S. Chang, Integration of Full-Orbit and Gyro-Center Methods for Multi-Scale Modeling of Edge Plasmas Including Sheath Effects, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, BP10.99, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 21-25, 2019
- J. R. Myra, D. Curreli, M.T. Elias, T. G. Jenkins, Generalization and Verification of RF Sheath Microscale Models, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, UP10.80, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 21-25, 2019
- M. Mustafa, D. Curreli, P. Seleson, C. Hauck, D. Bernholdt, Verification and UQ activities of the Particle-In-Cell code hPIC for Near Surface Plasma Conditions, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, CO7.6, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 21-25, 2019
- S. Keniley, D. Curreli, C. DeChant, S. Shannon, Numerical Simulations of Electron Transport across a Plasma-Water Interface using Zapdos-CRANE, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, BP10.107, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 21-25, 2019
- D. Curreli, J. Drobny, S.M. Valaitis, M. Mustafa, M.F. Huq, M.T. Elias, V.V.Srinivasaragavan, O. Sahni, M. Shephard, P. Seleson, C. Hauck, D. Bernholdt, B. Wirth, PSI2-SciDAC: Code Development and Recent Progress of the hPIC Particle-in-Cell for Plasma-Material Interactions, SciDAC-4 Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting Rockville, MD, July 16-19, 2019
- Bernholdt 2019, D. Bernholdt, S. Blondel, J. Canik, M. Cianciosa, D. Curreli, R. Doerner, J. Drobny, W. Elwasif, D. Green, A. Lasa, D. Martin, L. Owen, P. C. Roth, G. Shaw, L. Yang, T. Younkin, and B. D. Wirth, Final Report for the FY2018 Fusion Theory and Simulation Milestone on Plasma Materials Interaction (PMI), Department of Energy Theory Milestone Report
- D. Gates et al. Stellarator Research Opportunities: A Report of the National Stellarator Coordinating Committee, January 2018 Journal of Fusion Energy 37(Suppl S):1-44
- C.-S. Chang, M. Greenwald, K. Riley, K. Antypas, R. Coffey, E. Dart, S. Dosanjh, R. Gerber, J. Hack, I. Monga, M.E. Papka, L. Rotman, T. Straatsma, J. Wells, R. Andre, D. Bernholdt, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Bonoli, I. Boyd, S. Bulanov, J.R. Cary, Y. Chen, D. Curreli, D.R. Ernst, S. Ethier, D. Green, R. Hager, A. Hakim, A. Hassanein, Hatch, David, Held, E. D., Howard, I. Nathan, A. Valerie, S. Jardin, T. G. Jenkins, F. Jenko, A. Kemp, J. King, A. Kritz, P. Krstic, S.E.Kruger, R. Kurtz, Z. Lin, B. Loring, G. Nandipati, A.Y. Pankin, S. Parker, D. Perez, A.Y. Pigarov, F. Poli, M. J. Pueschel, R.T. Rafiq, S. Oliver, S. Wahyu, A. Valeryi, D.N. Smithe, C. R. Sovinec, M. Turner, M. Umansky, J.-L. Vay, J. Verboncoeur, H. Vincenti, A. Voter, W. Wang, B. Wirth, J. Wright, X. Yuan, Fusion Energy Sciences Exascale Requirements Review. An Office of Science review sponsored jointly by Advanced Scientific Computing Research and Fusion Energy Sciences, January 27-29, 2016, Gaithersburg, Maryland. United States: N. p., 2017. Web. doi:10.2172/1375639.
- J. Pelaez, M. Sanjurjo-Rivo, M. Lara, E.C. Lorenzini, D. Curreli, D.J. Sheeres, C. Bombardelli, and D. Izzo, Dynamics and Stability of Tethered Satellites at Lagrangian Points, Tech. Rep. Final Report Ariadna Study 07-4201, Advanced Concept Team ESA, November 2008, available online: http://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/ariadna/studies.htm
- Donald Biggar Willet Faculty Scholar (2020)
- NCSA Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois (2015)
Teaching Honors
- Partial List of Teacher Ranked as Excellent by their Students (2020)
- NPRE Teacher of the Year, NPRE Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2019)
- Partial List of Teacher Ranked as Excellent by their Students (Fall 2017)
- Partial List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (Fall 2016(*))
- Partial List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (Spring 2015)
Courses Taught
- NPRE 421 – Plasma and Fusion Science
- NPRE 522 – Controlled Fusion Systems
- NPRE 523 – Plasma Waves
- NPRE 595 – Student Research Seminar
- NPRE 598 – Computational Plasma Physics