Research Area 4 – Focus Area 2: Direct Laser Impulse

Goal: understand and optimize the ability of high-power lasers to simulate X-ray blow-off and thermo-mechanical shock.

Long-term Strategy: Develop high-fidelity physics models validated by the state-of-the-art experiments and their applications to predict and possibly mitigate X-ray induced blow-off, shock, and plasma generation.


Focus Area 2: Coordinator and PIs

Farhat Beg

Research Area 4 Lead, RA4–FA2 Coordinator

Javier Garay

Principal Investigator, RA4–FA2

Sivanandan Harilal

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA4–FA2

Harry Radousky

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA4–FA2

Rick Speilman

Principal Investigator, RA4–FA2