Research Area 3 – Focus Area 1: Nuclear Fireball Plasma Chemistry

Goal: To understand, describe, and predict mid-phase interactions of a nuclear fireball with its surroundings within a canonical model defined in conjunction with DTRA.


Focus Area 1: Coordinator and PIs

Davide Curreli

Research Area 3: Focus Area 1 Coordinator

Edward Dreizin

Principal Investigator for RA2–FA2, RA3–FA1, and RA3–FA2

Nick Glumac

Research Area 3 Lead, Principal Investigator for RA3–FA1 and RA3–FA2

Sivanandan Harilal

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA4–FA2

Debbie Levin

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1

John W. McClory

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1

Mark Phillips

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA3–FA2

Harry Radousky

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA4–FA2

Raj Sinha

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1 and RA3–FA2

Julie A. Skipper

Principal Investigator, RA3–FA1