October 3, 2023

Welcome to MSEE’s DIMP/Simulants Workshop

This workshop will be hosted by the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA). It will focus on summarizing the state-of-the-art for understanding the defeat mechanism(s) of chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulants.



October 3-5, 2023


Johns Hopkins Homewood campus – Hodson Hall 310

Click here for a map of the workshop location.


Emphasis will be placed on the current understanding of DIMP, but the properties of other simulants will also be discussed. We will review the chemistry, thermal and chemical defeat mechanism(s), modeling and simulation of these materials, diagnostics techniques, and analysis of spectral data. In addition, we will highlight technical and non-technical challenges for working with these materials and discuss potential alternative simulants.

This three-day workshop will include speakers from government, academia, and industry from the US, UK, and France. In addition, we will have a networking/poster session in which researchers (students, postdocs, and senior researchers) can highlight their work. Furthermore, we plan to have ample time for Q&A and discussion of a wide range of basic and applied research questions, including:

  • What intermediate reactive species and final products are formed as chemical agents/ simulants/ precursors are subjected to variable high temperatures and heating rates?
  • What are the thermal degradation conditions and reaction rates?
  • Are any intermediate products of the high‐T reactions, the final thermal‐decomposition products, final combustion‐reaction products, etc., harmful or toxic?
  • What is the impact of reactive metals? Do they enhance the defeat? Do they potentially chemically interact with agents and form hazardous products?
  • What information is missing?
  • What alternative simulants are of interest?
  • How far can we push reduction without compromising accuracy too much?
  • To what degree can we take advantage of AI/ML approaches?

The workshop will include sessions on:

  • General interest and motivation
  • General agent/simulant information
  • Experimental & Modeling Capabilities, Diagnostics, and Analysis
  • Decomposition of gas-phase simulants
  • Decomposition of condensed-phase simulants

Click here to see the full agenda.


Rooms have been reserved for this workshop at the Inn at The Colonnade at a group rate of $159.00 per night, conveniently within walking distance from our Homewood campus. Book your reservation by clicking the link here or by phone at 410.235.5400 and using group code MS4.